ESC! Magazine
Volume 13, Number 1
Release Date June 20, 2009

Welcome to issue 27 of ESC! Magazine.

Jack Phillips Lowe's "Radcliffe Pead is a Prick" kicks off things this issue, followed by perennial ESC! favorite, Robert Potocki. Other featured authors include Tom Larsen, Brandon Kamins and up and coming young author, Shayla Riggs.

Poetry selections this issue features selections from several new contributing poets including Charles Craven, Joseph Reich, Michael Estabrook, Doug Holder and long-time champion and friend of ESC! Magazine, Ellaraine Lockie.

The cover, "Daytona Beach Pier", is by Mimi Mckinney (edited at author's request: 11.10.14) and Melissa Guillet's "Stoopid Chicken" brings the issue to a close on a fun note.

In our Reading Lounge, you'll find two new chapbook reviews from ESC! Magazine Poetry Editor, Charles Ries as well as his essay / interview with four notable small press publishers.

By purchasing the Premium Printed Edition or buying something from our ESC!Mag Gear online store, ESC! Magazine can continue to publish aspiring Writers and Artists for years to come.

Table of Contents


Cover: Daytona Beach Pier
Mimi Mckinney (edited at author's request: 11.10.14)

Stoopid Chicken
Melissa Guillet


"Radcliffe Pead is a Prick"
Jack Phillips Lowe

Robert Potocki

Brandon Kamins

Printers Inc
Tom Larsen

Greater Expectations
Shayla Riggs


In a Liquor Store at Four
Charles Michael Craven

Stuck in the Web
You've Come a Long Way Baby

Ellaraine Lockie

views from the meat market (how dreams go)
Joseph Reich

"I'm So Lucky"
Michael Estabrook

Krapp's Last Tape
Doug Holder



The Often Too Short, Unpredictable, Yet
Glorious Life of an Independent
Small Press Magazine
Charles Ries


ESC! Magazine V13N1 Cover
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