ESC! Magazine
Volume 11, Number 1
Release Date May 28, 2007

Welcome to issue 23 of ESC! Magazine.

All that's old is new again this issue thanks to the addition of Charles Ries as our Poetry Editor. Charles worked hard to present you with a fresh selection of poets both new and familiar this issue, including works by G. Scott Hughes, John Grey, E.V. Noechel, Ellaraine Lockie and Sharmagne Leland-St. John.

Co-host of our podcast, Coffee House to Go, LB Sedlacek kicks off the short fiction with her piece, "The Echo of Lima Beans". Reader favorite Bob Potocki contributes his story, "Remembrance" followed by Jonathan Scott's "Reception". I'm also proud to present the continuation of Angela Mankiewicz's short, "Laura Hanson's 1990".

With us since the beginning, Paul Tucker continues his illustrated story "Vex" on page 25 and Jonathan Scott's illustrations can be found within his own short story as well as this issue's cover.

In our Reading Lounge, Poetry Editor Charles Ries contributes a new chapbook review as well as an interview with author Michael Graves.

By purchasing the Premium Printed Edition or buying something from our ESC!Mag Gear online store, ESC! Magazine can continue to publish aspiring Writers and Artists for years to come.

Table of Contents


Cover: Flower Girl
Jonathan Scott

Jonathan Scott

VEX: The Dragon's Last Breath
Paul Tucker


Laura Hanson's 1990
Angela Mankiewicz

Robert Potocki

The Echo of Lima Beans
LB Sedlacek

Jonathan Scott


Poem For A South American Poet
John Grey

One Hit
Sound Check
G. Scott Hughes

I Said Coffee
Sharmagne Leland-St. John

The Accident
Silk Dreams

Ellaraine Lockie

E.V. Noechel



Interview with Michael Graves
by Charles Ries


ESC! Magazine V11N1 Cover

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